In December 2019, the European Commission presented a new European growth strategy, setting the agenda for Europe to become the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. This fundamental transformation of the European economy into a green and competitive economy requires fundamental changes and breakthrough technologies. The Green Deal has identified pure hydrogen as a priority area, as hydrogen will be an important element of this strategy.
A key element in the transition to zero emissions is the hydrogen cycle: hydrogen and oxygen production using water-splitting electricity powered electrolysers, hydrogen storage and transport, and electricity and water production using hydrogen and oxygen-supplied fuel cells close the loop.
The current development of hydrogen and electricity networks based on the hydrogen cycle will be the cornerstone of the energy solution of the future. The development of advanced and cost-effective electrocatalysts based on basic and applied research is one of the main research axes of the Nanomaterials group.
Grant provider | Technology Agency of the Czech Republic |
Programme | Gama 2 |
Base project | Support to the process of commercialization of results of research and development at the Charles University in Prague II |
Base project ID | TP01010040 |
Duration | 3/2020 – 2/2021 |
Principal investigator | RNDr. Peter Kúš, Ph.D. |
Grant provider | The French Institute in Prague (IFP) and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) |
Programme | Barrande Fellowship programme; short-term research stay |
Duration | 2 months (2022) |
Principal investigator | Alina Madalina Darabut |
Grant provider | Czech Science Foundation | |
Programme | Junior Grants | |
Panel |
Project ID | 18-06989Y |
Duration | Jan 2018 – Dec 2020 |
Principal investigator | Dr. Jaroslava Nováková |
Acronym | PaC-NG |
Grant provider | MŠMT/EU |
Programme | OP VVV |
Call | 02_16_025 Pre-Application Research in Priority Axis 1 |
Project ID | CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007414 |
Duration | Apr 2018 – Dec 2022 |
Budget for Charles Univ. | CZK 48,698,002 |
Principal investigator | Prof. Vladimír Matolín |
Project manager (Charles Univ.) | Dr. Zdeňka Bubeníková |
Partner organization | University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague |
Grant provider | MŠMT |
Programme | Czech Republic-Germany mobility |
Project ID | 8J22DE014 |
Duration | 2022-2023 |
Principal investigator | doc. Mgr. Ivan Khalakhan Ph.D. |
Grant provider | Charles University |
Programme | GA UK |
Project ID | 58620 |
Duration | Mar 2020 – Jan 2022 |
Principal investigator | Tomáš Hrbek |
Grant provider | Charles University |
Programme | START |
Project ID | START/SCI/153 |
Budget | 2,659,338 CZK |
Duration | 1.4.2021-31.3.2023 |
Principal investigator | Lucinda Blanco Redondo |
Grant provider | Technology Agency of the Czech Republic |
Programme | Gama |
Base project | Support to the process of commercialization of results of research and development at the Charles University in Prague |
Base project ID: | TG01010108 |
Internal subprocess ID | 20180506 |
Duration | May 2018 – Jul 2019 |
Principal investigator | Dr. Peter Kúš |
Grant provider | Technology Agency of the Czech Republic |
Programme | Gama 2 |
Base project | Support to the process of commercialization of results of research and development at the Charles University in Prague II |
Base project ID | TP01010040 |
Duration | 1/2021 – 12/2021 |
Principal investigator | Mgr. Ivan Khalakhan, Ph.D. |
Grant provider | MŠMT |
Programme | Barrande Fellowship Programme |
Duration | Nov 2022 – Dec 2022 |
Principal investigator | Tomáš Hrbek |
Grant provider | Technologická agentura ČR |
Programme | Program na podporu aplikovaného výzkumu, experimentálního vývoje a inovací Národní centra kompetence |
Base project ID | TN02000054 |
Duration | 2023 – 2028 |
Main beneficiary | ČVUT |
Principal investigator | Doc. Ing. Oldřich Vítek, Ph.D. |
Co-investigator | prof. Mgr. Iva Matolínová, Dr. |
Lectures, interesting facts and information in the field of nanomaterials and hydrogen technology.
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