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Hydrogen technologies research

In December 2019, the European Commission presented a new European growth strategy, setting the agenda for Europe to become the world's first climate-neutral continent by 2050. This fundamental transformation of the European economy into a green and competitive economy requires fundamental changes and breakthrough technologies. The Green Deal has identified pure hydrogen as a priority area, as hydrogen will be an important element of this strategy.

A key element in the transition to zero emissions is the hydrogen cycle: hydrogen and oxygen production using water-splitting electricity powered electrolysers, hydrogen storage and transport, and electricity and water production using hydrogen and oxygen-supplied fuel cells close the loop.

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The current development of hydrogen and electricity networks based on the hydrogen cycle will be the cornerstone of the energy solution of the future. The development of advanced and cost-effective electrocatalysts based on basic and applied research is one of the main research axes of the Nanomaterials group.


  • Assigned11
  • Vacant5
  • Finished1


  • Finished10
  • Assigned2

Lectures, interesting facts and information in the field of nanomaterials and hydrogen technology.