Blanco Redondo, L; Lobko, Y; Veltruská, K; Nováková, J; Mazur, M; Darabut, AM; Hrbek, T; Dopita, M; Hraníček, J; Yakovlev, Y; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V Bifunctional Pt–Ir nanoparticle catalysts for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions: investigating the influence of surface composition on the catalytic properties Sustainable Energy Fuels, 8(4): (14 pages), 2024. doi:10.1039/d3se01238g (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:001143411300001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Fusek, L; Farnesi Camellone, M; Ronovský, M; Kastenmeier, M; Skála, T; Samal, PK; Tsud, N; Mehl, S; Škvára, J; Dolák, T; Uvarov, V; Setvín, M; Johánek, V; Fabris, S; Brummel, O; Libuda, J; Mysliveček, J; Piccinin, S; Lykhach, Y Atomistic picture of electronic metal support interaction and the role of water J. Mater. Chem. A, 12(6): (7 pages), 2024. doi:10.1039/D3TA06595B (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:001146848100001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
D'Olimpio, G; Boukhvalov, DW; Galstyan, V; Occhiuzzi, J; Vorochta, M; Amati, M; Milosz, Z; Gregoratti, L; Istrate, MC; Kuo, C-N; Lue, CS; Ghica, C; Comini, E; Politano, A Unlocking superior NO2 sensitivity and selectivity: the role of sulfur abstraction in indium sulfide (InS) nanosheet-based sensors J. Mater. Chem. A, 12(17): (12 pages), 2024. doi:10.1039/d4ta01287a (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:001194962200001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Eliášová, P; Šmíd, B; Vejpravová, J; Li, S; Brivio, F; Mazur, M; Rainer, DN; Mohideen, MIH; Morris, RE; Nachtigall, P The preparation route and final form of V-MXenes override the effect of the O/F ratio on their magnetic properties J. Mater. Chem. C, 12(15): (11 pages), 2024. doi:10.1039/D4TC00132J (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:001188296800001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Pleskunov, P; Protsak, M; Krtouš, Z; Košutová, T; Tosca, M; Biliak, K; Červenková, V; Nikitin, D; Hanuš, J; Cieslar, M; Gordeev, I; Dopita, M; Vorochta, M; Kousal, J; Martinu, L; Choukourov, A Refractory Plasmonics of Reactively Sputtered Hafnium Nitride Nanoparticles: Pushing Limits Advanced Optical Materials, 12(13): Art. No. 2302715 (13 pages), 2024. doi:10.1002/adom.202302715 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:001175715000001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Rogalsky, S; Moshynets, O; Dzhuzha, O; Tarasyuk, O; Hubina, A; Darabut, AM; Lobko, Y; Morozovska, I; Protasov, O; Bardeau, J-F Preparation and characterization of new antifouling coating based on alkyd paint modified with hydrophobic cationic biocide J Coat Technol Res, 21(3): (15 pages), 2024. doi:10.1007/s11998-023-00862-8 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:001134157700001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Totani, R; Ljubić, I; Mehl, SL; Kalinovych, V; Jugovac, M; Bonano, G; Ciavardini, A; Grazioli, C; Galdenzi, F; D’Addato, S; de Simone, M; Sheverdyaeva, PM; Moras, P; Tsud, N; Coreno, M Evidence for efficient anchoring in nitroxyl radical thin films: an experimental XPS/NEXAFS and theoretical DFT/TD-DFT study J. Mater. Chem. C, 12(19): (14 pages), 2024. doi:10.1039/D4TC00427B (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:001210824000001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Elashnikov, R; Khrystonko, O; Jilková, T; Rimpelová, S; Prchal, J; Khalakhan, I; Kolská, Z; Švorčík, V; Lyutakov, O High‐Strength Self‐Healable Supercapacitor Based on Supramolecular Polymer Hydrogel with Upper Critical Solubility Temperature Adv. Funct. Mater., 34(23): Art. No. 2314420 (11 pages), 2024. doi:10.1002/adfm.202314420 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:001160434100001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Pollastri, S; Bogar, M; Fiala, R; Amenitsch, H; Yakovlev, Y; Lavacchi, A; Aquilanti, G; Matolin, V Characterization of innovative Pt-ceria catalysts for PEMFC by means of ex-situ and operando X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 47(14): (12 pages), 2022. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.12.241 (abstract link) | PDF | BibTeX & \bibitem
Bezkrovnyi, O; Bruix, A; Blaumeiser, D; Piliai, L; Schötz, S; Bauer, T; Khalakhan, I; Skála, T; Matvija, P; Kraszkiewicz, P; Pawlyta, M; Vorokhta, M; Matolínová, I; Libuda, J; Neyman, KM; Kȩpiński, L Metal–Support Interaction and Charge Distribution in Ceria-Supported Au Particles Exposed to CO Chem. Mater., 34(17): (21 pages), 2022. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c01659 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000849738400001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Bezkrovnyi, O; Vorokhta, M; Pawlyta, M; Ptak, M; Piliai, L; Xie, X; Dinhová, TN; Khalakhan, I; Matolínová, I; Kepinski, L In situ observation of highly oxidized Ru species in Ru/CeO2 catalyst under propane oxidation J. Mater. Chem. A, 10(31): (10 pages), 2022. doi:10.1039/D2TA02330J (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000834816600001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kastenmeier, M; Fusek, L; Deng, X; Skála, T; Mehl, S; Tsud, N; Grau, S; Stumm, C; Uvarov, V; Johánek, V; Libuda, J; Lykhach, Y; Mysliveček, J; Brummel, O Particle Size and Shape Effects in Electrochemical Environments: Pd Particles Supported on Ordered Co3O4(111) and Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite J. Phys. Chem. C, 126(30): (12 pages), 2022. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c03109 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000886733700001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Fellenberg, AK; Addad, A; Hong, J; Simon, P; Kosto, Y; Šmíd, B; Ji, G; Khodakov, AY Iron and copper nanoparticles inside and outside carbon nanotubes: Nanoconfinement, migration, interaction and catalytic performance in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis J. Catal., 404: (18 pages), 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2021.09.034 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000720356400003 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Gu, B; Peron, DV; Barrios, AJ; Virginie, M; La Fontaine, C; Briois, V; Vorokhta, M; Šmíd, B; Moldovan, S; Koneti, S; Gambu, TG; Saeys, M; Ordomsky, VV; Khodakov, AY Bismuth mobile promoter and cobalt-bismuth nanoparticles in carbon nanotube supported Fischer-Tropsch catalysts with enhanced stability J. Catal., 401: (13 pages), 2021. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2021.07.011 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000691545800011 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Ju, X; Hubalek Kalbacova, M; Šmíd, B; Johánek, V; Janata, M; Dinhová, TN; Bělinová, T; Mazur, M; Vorokhta, M; Strnad, L Poly(acrylic acid)-mediated synthesis of cerium oxide nanoparticles with variable oxidation states and their effect on regulating the intracellular ROS level J. Mater. Chem. B, 9(36): (15 pages), 2021. doi:10.1039/d1tb00706h (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000687271100001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Larina, OV; Kyriienko, PI; Shcherban, ND; Yaremov, PS; Balakin, DY; Khalakhan, I; Veltruská, K; Soloviev, SO; Orlyk, SM Carbon-Supported Mg–Al Oxide Hybrid Catalysts for Aqueous Ethanol Conversion into 1-Butanol in a Flow Reactor Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 60(32): (13 pages), 2021. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.1c02153 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000687171300009 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Bjelajac, A; Petrović, R; Vujancevic, J; Veltruska, K; Matolin, V; Siketic, Z; Provatas, G; Jaksic, M; Stan, GE; Socol, G; Mihailescu, IN; Janaćković, D Sn-doped TiO2 nanotubular thin film for photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange dye Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 147: Art. No. 109609 (8 pages), 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jpcs.2020.109609 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000567084700005 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Bogar, M; Khalakhan, I; Gambitta, A; Yakovlev, Y; Amenitsch, H In situ electrochemical grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering: From the design of an electrochemical cell to an exemplary study of fuel cell catalyst degradation J. Power Sources, 477: Art. No. 229030 (8 pages), 2020. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.229030 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000582488600050 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Brown, R; Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Dopita, M; Vonderach, T; Skála, T; Lindahl, N; Matolínová, I; Grönbeck, H; Neyman, KM; Matolín, V; Wickman, B Unraveling the Surface Chemistry and Structure in Highly Active Sputtered Pt3Y Catalyst Films for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12(4): (9 pages), 2020. doi:10.1021/acsami.9b17817 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000510532000027 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Brown, R; Vorokhta, M; Skála, T; Khalakhan, I; Lindahl, N; Eriksson, B; Lagergren, C; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V; Wickman, B Surface Composition of a Highly Active Pt3Y Alloy Catalyst for Application in Low Temperature Fuel Cells Fuel Cells, 20(4): (7 pages), 2020. doi:10.1002/fuce.201900186 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000557553900001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
D'Olimpio, G; Nappini, S; Vorokhta, M; Lozzi, L; Genuzio, F; Menteş, TO; Paolucci, V; Gürbulak, B; Duman, S; Ottaviano, L; Locatelli, A; Bondino, F; Boukhvalov, DW; Politano, A Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity in GaSe and InSe Nanosheets: The Role of Surface Oxides Adv. Funct. Mater., 30(43): Art. No. 2005466 (11 pages), 2020. doi:10.1002/adfm.202005466 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000567837700001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Duchoň, T; Hackl, J; Mueller, DN; Kullgren, J; Du, D; Senanayake, SD; Mouls, C; Gottlob, DM; Khan, MI; Cramm, S; Veltruská, K; Matolín, V; Nemšák, S; Schneider, CM Establishing structure-sensitivity of ceria reducibility: real-time observations of surface-hydrogen interactions J. Mater. Chem. A, 8(11): (7 pages), 2020. doi:10.1039/c9ta11784a (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000521109000036 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Fikáček, J; Procházka, P; Stetsovych, V; Průša, S; Vondráček, M; Kormoš, L; Skála, T; Vlaic, P; Caha, O; Carva, K; Čechal, J; Springholz, G; Honolka, J Step-edge assisted large scale FeSe monolayer growth on epitaxial Bi2Se3 thin films New J. Phys., 22(7): Art. No. 073050 (12 pages), 2020. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ab9b59 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000556563000001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Gu, B; Peron, DV; Barrios, AJ; Bahri, M; Ersen, O; Vorokhta, M; Šmíd, B; Banerjee, D; Virginie, M; Marceau, E; Wojcieszak, R; Ordomsky, VV; Khodakov, AY Mobility and versatility of the liquid bismuth promoter in the working iron catalysts for light olefin synthesis from syngas Chem. Sci., 11(24): (16 pages), 2020. doi:10.1039/D0SC01600D (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000542898000003 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Hrbek, T; Kúš, P; Yakovlev, Y; Nováková, J; Lobko, Y; Khalakhan, I; Matolín, V; Matolínová, I Sputter-etching treatment of proton-exchange membranes: Completely dry thin-film approach to low-loading catalyst-coated membranes for water electrolysis Int. J. Hydrog. Energy, 45(41): (11 pages), 2020. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.05.245 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000558598300006 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kondrat, O; Holomb, R; Mitsa, A; Veres, M; Csik, A; Takáts, V; Duchoň, T; Veltruská, K; Vondráček, M; Tsud, N; Mitsa, V; Matolín, V; Prince, KC Reversible laser-assisted structural modification of the surface of As-rich nanolayers for active photonics media Appl. Surf. Sci., 518: Art. No. 146240 (7 pages), 2020. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.146240 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000531747600007 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kot, M; Kegelmann, L; Köbler, H; Vorokhta, M; Escudero, C; Kúš, P; Šmíd, B; Tallarida, M; Albrecht, S; Abate, A; Matolínová, I; Schmeißer, D; Flege, JI In situ Near‐Ambient Pressure X‐ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Reveals the Influence of Photon Flux and Water on the Stability of Halide Perovskite ChemSusChem, 13(21): (9 pages), 2020. doi:10.1002/cssc.202001527 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000569130000001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kylián, O; Štefaníková, R; Kuzminova, A; Hanuš, J; Solař, P; Kúš, P; Cieslar, M; Biederman, H In-flight plasma modification of nanoparticles produced by means of gas aggregation sources as an effective route for the synthesis of core-satellite Ag/plasma polymer nanoparticles Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, 62(1): Art. No. 014005 (11 pages), 2020. doi:10.1088/1361-6587/ab4115 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000502078100005 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Larina, OV; Shcherban, ND; Kyriienko, PI; Remezovskyi, IM; Yaremov, PS; Khalakhan, I; Mali, G; Soloviev, SO; Orlyk, SM; Dzwigaj, S Design of Effective Catalysts Based on ZnLaZrSi Oxide Systems for Obtaining 1,3-Butadiene from Aqueous Ethanol ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 8(44): (12 pages), 2020. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c05925 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000592226900024 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Svintsitskiy, DA; Kardash, TY; Lazareva, EV; Saraev, AA; Derevyannikova, EA; Vorokhta, M; Šmíd, B; Bondareva, VM NAP-XPS and in situ XRD study of the stability of Bi-modified MoVNbTeO catalysts for oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane Appl. Catal. A-General, 579: (10 pages), 2019. doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2019.04.027 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000470954100016 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Tovt, A; Bagolini, L; Dvořák, F; Tran, N-D; Vorokhta, M; Beranová, K; Johánek, V; Farnesi Camellone, M; Skála, T; Matolínová, I; Mysliveček, J; Fabris, S; Matolín, V Ultimate dispersion of metallic and ionic platinum on ceria J. Mater. Chem. A, 7(21): (10 pages), 2019. doi:10.1039/c9ta00823c (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000471010900052 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Vaidulych, M; Hanuš, J; Kousal, J; Kadlec, S; Marek, A; Khalakhan, I; Shelemin, A; Solař, P; Choukourov, A; Kylián, O; Biederman, H Effect of magnetic field on the formation of Cu nanoparticles during magnetron sputtering in the gas aggregation cluster source Plasma Process. Polym., 16(11): Art. No. 1900133 (10 pages), 2019. doi:10.1002/ppap.201900133 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000481228900001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kantserova, MR; Vlasenko, NV; Orlyk, SM; Veltruska, K; Matolinova, I Effect of Acid–Base Characteristics of In2O3-Al2O3 (ZrO2) Compositions on Their Catalytic Properties in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane to Propylene with CO2 Theor Exp Chem, 55(3): (8 pages), 2019. doi:10.1007/s11237-019-09610-9 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000485016400004 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kettner, M; Duchoň, T; Wolf, MJ; Kullgren, J; Senanayake, SD; Hermansson, K; Veltruská, K; Nehasil, V Anion-mediated electronic effects in reducible oxides: Tuning the valence band of ceria via fluorine doping The Journal of Chemical Physics, 151(4): Art. No. 044701 (8 pages), 2019. doi:10.1063/1.5109955 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000478625700040 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kondrat, OB; Holomb, RM; Csik, A; Takats, V; Veres, M; Feher, A; Duchoň, T; Veltruská, K; Vondráček, M; Tsud, N; Matolín, V; Prince, KC; Mitsa, VM Reversible structural changes of in situ prepared As40 Se60 nanolayers studied by XPS spectroscopy Appl. Nanosci., 9(5): (8 pages), 2019. doi:10.1007/s13204-018-0771-3 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000477671900041 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Gargiulo, V; Alfano, B; Di Capua, R; Alfé, M; Vorokhta, M; Polichetti, T; Massera, E; Miglietta, ML; Schiattarella, C; Di Francia, G Graphene-like layers as promising chemiresistive sensing material for detection of alcohols at low concentration J. Appl. Phys., 123(2): Art. No. 024503 (8 pages), 2018. doi:10.1063/1.5000914 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000422966100025 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Holomb, R; Kondrat, O; Mitsa, V; Veres, M; Czitrovszky, A; Feher, A; Tsud, N; Vondráček, M; Veltruská, K; Matolín, V; Prince, KC Super-bandgap light stimulated reversible transformation and laser-driven mass transport at the surface of As2S3 chalcogenide nanolayers studied in situ The Journal of Chemical Physics, 149(21): Art. No. 214702 (11 pages), 2018. doi:10.1063/1.5053228 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000452539400021 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Veis, M; Minár, J; Steciuk, G; Palatinus, L; Rinaldi, C; Cantoni, M; Kriegner, D; Tikuišis, KK; Hamrle, J; Zahradník, M; Antoš, R; Železný, J; Šmejkal, L; Marti, X; Wadley, P; Campion, RP; Frontera, C; Uhlířová, K; Duchoň, T; Kužel, P; Novák, V; Jungwirth, T; Výborný, K Band structure of CuMnAs probed by optical and photoemission spectroscopy Phys. Rev. B, 97(12): Art. No. 125109 (5 pages), 2018. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.97.125109 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000426902400004 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Vondráček, M; Tomeček, D; Vorokhta, M; Marešová, E; Nováková, J; Vlček, J; Fitl, P; Novotný, M; Hozák, P; Lančok, J; Vrňata, M; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V Investigation of gas sensing mechanism of SnO2 based chemiresistor using near ambient pressure XPS Surf. Sci., 677: (7 pages), 2018. doi:10.1016/j.susc.2018.08.003 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000447478700038 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kondrat, O; Holomb, R; Mitsa, V; Veres, M; Tsud, N Structural investigation of As-Se chalcogenide thin films with different compositions: formation, characterization and peculiarities of volume and near-surface nanolayers Funct. Mater., 24(4): Art. No. 554 (8 pages), 2017. doi:10.15407/fm24.04.547 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000424496900007 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Kuzminova, A; Kretková, T; Kylián, O; Hanuš, J; Khalakhan, I; Prukner, V; Doležalová, E; Šimek, M; Biederman, H Etching of polymers, proteins and bacterial spores by atmospheric pressure DBD plasma in air J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys., 50(13): Art. No. 135201 (11 pages), 2017. doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aa5c21 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000395934300001 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Liu, Z; Lustemberg, P; Gutiérrez, RA; Carey, JJ; Palomino, RM; Vorokhta, M; Grinter, DC; Ramírez, PJ; Matolín, V; Nolan, M; Ganduglia-Pirovano, V; Senanayake, SD; Rodriguez, JA In Situ Investigation of Methane Dry Reforming on Metal/Ceria(111) Surfaces: Metal–Support Interactions and C−H Bond Activation at Low Temperature Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit., 56(42): (6 pages), 2017. doi:10.1002/anie.201707538 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000412189700044 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Luo, J; Monai, M; Wang, C; Lee, JD; Duchoň, T; Dvořák, F; Matolín, V; Murray, CB; Fornasiero, P; Gorte, RJ Unraveling the surface state and composition of highly selective nanocrystalline Ni–Cu alloy catalysts for hydrodeoxygenation of HMF Catal. Sci. Technol., 7(8): (9 pages), 2017. doi:10.1039/C6CY02647H (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000399919200012 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Lykhach, Y; Bruix, A; Fabris, S; Potin, V; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V; Libuda, J; Neyman, KM Oxide-based nanomaterials for fuel cell catalysis: the interplay between supported single Pt atoms and particles Catal. Sci. Technol., 7(19): (31 pages), 2017. doi:10.1039/C7CY00710H (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000413190800008 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Lykhach, Y; Figueroba, A; Skála, T; Duchoň, T; Tsud, N; Aulická, M; Neitzel, A; Veltruská, K; Prince, KC; Matolín, V; Neyman, KM; Libuda, J Redox-mediated conversion of atomically dispersed platinum to sub-nanometer particles J. Mater. Chem. A, 5(19): (12 pages), 2017. doi:10.1039/c7ta02204b (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000401316100051 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Podda, N; Corva, M; Mohamed, F; Feng, Z; Dri, C; Dvorák, F; Matolin, V; Comelli, G; Peressi, M; Vesselli, E Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Restructuring Process Induced by CO at Near Ambient Pressure: Pt Nanoclusters on Graphene/Ir(111) ACS Nano, 11(1): (13 pages), 2017. doi:10.1021/acsnano.6b07876 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000392886500110 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Petr, M; Kylián, O; Hanuš, J; Kuzminova, A; Vaidulych, M; Khalakhan, I; Choukourov, A; Slavínská D; Biederman, H Surfaces With Roughness Gradient and Invariant Surface Chemistry Produced by Means of Gas Aggregation Source and Magnetron Sputtering Plasma Process. Polym., 135(6): (9 pages), 2016. doi:10.1002/ppap.201500202 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000378734300009 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Ševčíková, K; Szabová, L; Kettner, M; Homola, P; Tsud, N; Fabris, S; Matolín, V; Nehasil, V Experimental and Theoretical Study on the Electronic Interaction between Rh Adatoms and CeOx Substrate in Dependence on a Degree of Cerium Oxide Reduction J. Phys. Chem. C, 120(10): (9 pages), 2016. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b11431 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000372561200022 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Vaclavu, M; Kovacs, G; Kozlov, SM; Kus, P; Skala, T; Tsud, N; Lavkova, J; Potin, V; Matolinova, I; Neyman, KM; Matolin, V Surface composition of magnetron sputtered Pt-Co thin film catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells Appl. Surf. Sci., 365: (7 pages), 2016. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.01.004 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000369960300032 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Zimmermann, P; Sobotík, P; Kocán, P; Ošt’ádal, I; Vorokhta, M; Acres, RG; Matolín, V Adsorption of ethylene on Sn and In terminated Si(001) surface studied by photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy J. Chem. Phys., 145(9): Art. No. 094701 (7 pages), 2016. doi:10.1063/1.4961737 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000383957800024 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Carrasco, J; Lopez-Duran, D; Liu, Z; Duchon, T; Evans, J; Senanayake, SD; Crumlin, EJ; Matolin, V; Rodríguez, JA; Ganduglia-Pirovano, MV In Situ and Theoretical Studies for the Dissociation of Water on an Active Ni/CeO2 Catalyst: Importance of Strong Metal–Support Interactions for the Cleavage of O–H Bonds Angew. Chem.-Int. Edit., 54(13): (5 pages), 2015. doi:10.1002/anie.201410697 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000351204600009 | BibTeX & \bibitem
Zahoranova, T; Mori, T; Yan, P; Sevcikova, K; Vaclavu, M; Matolin, V; Nehasil, V Study of the character of gold nanoparticles deposited onto sputtered cerium oxide layers by deposition-precipitation method: Influence of the preparation parameters Vacuum, 114: (7 pages), 2015. doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2015.01.005 (abstract link) | PDF | ISI ID:000351247700016 | BibTeX & \bibitem
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