The Surface Physics Laboratory—Hydrogen Technology Center (SPL-HTC) is a Large Research Infrastructure (LRI), a Partner Facility in the distributed consortium CERIC-ERIC, established in 2014 following the EU Commission Implementing Decision (document ref. No. 2014/392/EU). SPL is located in Prague (Czech Republic), MSB is at the Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste (Italy). SPL-HTC is a part of the Roadmap of LRIs of the Czech Republic.
The SPL-HTC facilities are available for use by external users via the free CERIC Open Access. The users are selected based on the scientific quality of their proposed experiments only. The proposals are evaluated by an independent peer-Review Panel. The Open Access users should then publish their results.
Users who request technical or scientific services on a proprietary basis or for training and education are also accepted and should pay applicable costs of the services.
The SPL-HTC infrastructure is supported by the Nanomaterials Group, members of which have many years of experience in the physics of surfaces, interfaces, and thin films, and who can use the SPL-HTC equipment for their own research. The staff can therefore provide users with the highest quality support.
CERIC review Panel Is composed of 86 outstanding scientists from EU, USA, Korea, Switzerland, UK, Brazil etc. in the fields relevant to CERIC.
Efficient high quality of evaluation procedures provided by CERIC ensure the quality of selected proposals.
Focusing to specific areas of fundamental and applied science – sensor, catalyst, surface electrochemistry and operando research.
Ground breaking internal research and experience of staff permits to offer to users not only technical support but also high quality scientific support.
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