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Nanomaterials Group

The Nanomaterials Group at the Department of Surface and Plasma Science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, conducts fundamental and applied research in the field of nanomaterials, mainly focusing on hydrogen energy, heterogeneous catalysis, and gas and biomolecule sensors. The NG researchers support the operation of SPL-HTC at both, technical and scientific level.

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SPL-HTC is a large research infrastructure designed for the research in surfaces and surface processes. From 2023, its focus is extended to research and testing of materials for hydrogen technology. It was created by merging the Surface Physics Laboratory (SPL) in Prague, Czech Republic, and the Charles University Beamline for Materials Science (MSB) at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste, Italy, supplemented with the Hydrogen Technology Center (HTC) in Prague. It is a member of the CERIC-ERIC consortium, through which SPL-(MSB)-HTC can be accessed by researchers from all over the world.

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"Hydrogen is a carrier of the energy of the future."

Prof. Vladimír Matolín

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About us

Members of the Nanomaterials group (NG) at the Department of Surface and Plasma Physics, MFF UK contributed significantly to the construction of the Large Research Infrastructure (LRI) SPL-HTC. They ensure the operation of this infrastructure and the support of its users. Thanks to that, NG´s researchers and students have access to advanced equipment, which they use for their own groundbreaking research. Scientific activities of NG range from basic research and preparation of advanced nanomaterials to their application in hydrogen fuel cells or biotechnologies. LRI SPL-HTC is a part of the Roadmap of large research infrastructures of the Czech Republic, and a partner facility of the international consortium CERIC-ERIC. The SPL-HTC infrastructure is made accessible to researchers from all over the world via CERIC-ERIC.

Lectures, interesting facts and information in the field of nanomaterials and hydrogen technology.