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Dr. Ivan Khalakhan

SEM Scientist in Charge
orc_id ORCID 0000-0003-2929-4148
researcher_id Researcher ID L-1697-2017
scopus_id Scopus ID 36181198500


Year 2024

  1. Elashnikov, R; Khrystonko, O; Jilková, T; Rimpelová, S; Prchal, J; Khalakhan, I; Kolská, Z; Švorčík, V; Lyutakov, O
    High‐Strength Self‐Healable Supercapacitor Based on Supramolecular Polymer Hydrogel with Upper Critical Solubility Temperature
    Adv. Funct. Mater. 34 (23) : Art. No. 2314420 (11 pages), 2024.
    doi:10.1002/adfm.202314420 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:001160434100001 BibTeX & \bibitem

Year 2023

  1. Amatori, S; Lopez, A; Meneghini, C; Calcabrini, A; Colone, M; Stringaro, A; Migani, S; Khalakhan, I; Iucci, G; Venditti, I; Battocchio, C
    Gold nanorods derivatized with CTAB and hydroquinone or ascorbic acid: spectroscopic investigation of anisotropic nanoparticles of different shapes and sizes
    Nanoscale Adv. 5 (15) :  (10 pages), 2023.
    doi:10.1039/D3NA00356F (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:001024078700001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  2. Bahrami, H; Kosto, Y; Ignazio Santo, C; Yakovlev, Y; Khalakhan, I; Mousavi, M; Matolin, V; Matolinová, I; Paolucci, F; Valenti, G; Tsud, N; Zanut, A
    Evaluation of polycrystalline cerium oxide electrodes for electrochemiluminescent detection of sarcosine
    Microchemical Journal 187 : Art. No. 108362 (6 pages), 2023.
    doi:10.1016/j.microc.2022.108362 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000961166200001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  3. Xie, X; Mohandas Sandhya, AL; Piliai, L; Vorokhta, M; Matolínová, I; Khalakhan, I
    Surface compositional dynamics in a PtNi bimetallic alloy under simulated operational conditions: Electrochemical and NAP-XPS Study
    Appl. Catal. B-Environmental 325 : Art. No. 122328 (8 pages), 2023.
    doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2022.122328 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:001027057300001 BibTeX & \bibitem

Year 2022

  1. Camellone, MF; Dvořák, F; Vorokhta, M; Tovt, A; Khalakhan, I; Johánek, V; Skála, T; Matolínová, I; Fabris, S; Mysliveček, J
    Adatom and Nanoparticle Dynamics on Single-Atom Catalyst Substrates
    ACS Catal. 12 (9) :  (13 pages), 2022.
    doi:10.1021/acscatal.2c00291 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000813203800001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  2. Bezkrovnyi, O; Bruix, A; Blaumeiser, D; Piliai, L; Schötz, S; Bauer, T; Khalakhan, I; Skála, T; Matvija, P; Kraszkiewicz, P; Pawlyta, M; Vorokhta, M; Matolínová, I; Libuda, J; Neyman, KM; Kȩpiński, L
    Metal–Support Interaction and Charge Distribution in Ceria-Supported Au Particles Exposed to CO
    Chem. Mater. 34 (17) :  (21 pages), 2022.
    doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c01659 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000849738400001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  3. Piliai, L; Matvija, P; Dinhová, TN; Khalakhan, I; Skála, T; Doležal, Z; Bezkrovnyi, O; Kepinski, L; Vorokhta, M; Matolínová, I
    In Situ Spectroscopy and Microscopy Insights into the CO Oxidation Mechanism on Au/CeO<sub>2</sub>(111)
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14 (50) :  (10 pages), 2022.
    doi:10.1021/acsami.2c15792 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000895462200001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  4. Kyriienko, PI; Larina, OV; Balakin, DY; Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Sergiienko, SA; Soloviev, SO; Orlyk, SM
    The effect of lanthanum in Cu/La(-Zr)-Si oxide catalysts for aqueous ethanol conversion into 1,3-butadiene
    Mol. Catal. 518 : Art. No. 112096 (10 pages), 2022.
    doi:10.1016/j.mcat.2021.112096 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000778653000002 BibTeX & \bibitem

Year 2021

  1. Ju, X; Šmíd, B; Johánek, V; Khalakhan, I; Yakovlev, Y; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V
    Investigation of dextran adsorption on polycrystalline cerium oxide surfaces
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 544 : Art. No. 148890 (11 pages), 2021.
    doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.148890 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000618292900006 BibTeX & \bibitem
  2. Bogar, M; Yakovlev, Y; Sandbeck, DJS; Cherevko, S; Matolínová, I; Amenitsch, H; Khalakhan, I
    Interplay Among Dealloying, Ostwald Ripening, and Coalescence in PtXNi100–X Bimetallic Alloys under Fuel-Cell-Related Conditions
    ACS Catal. 11 :  (11 pages), 2021.
    doi:10.1021/acscatal.1c01111 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000697346200004 BibTeX & \bibitem
  3. Larina, OV; Valihura, KV; Kyriienko, PI; Vlasenko, NV; Balakin, DY; Khalakhan, I; Veltruská, K; Čendak, T; Soloviev, SO; Orlyk, SM
    Catalytic performance of ternary Mg-Al-Ce oxides for ethanol conversion into 1-butanol in a flow reactor
    J. Fuel Chem. Technol. 49 (3) :  (12 pages), 2021.
    doi:10.1016/S1872-5813(21)60028-2 (abstract link)  PDF BibTeX & \bibitem
  4. Xie, X; Khalakhan, I; Vorokhta, M; Yakovlev, Y; Dinhová, TN; Nováková, J; Kúš, P; Dopita, M; Veltruská, K; Matolínová, I
    A Facile Way for Acquisition of a Nanoporous Pt–C Catalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
    Adv. Mater. Interfaces 8 (12) : Art. No. 2100122 (10 pages), 2021.
    doi:10.1002/admi.202100122 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000653226500001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  5. Zikrata, OV; Larina, OV; Valihura, KV; Kyriienko, PI; Balakin, DY; Khalakhan, I; Veltruská, K; Krajnc, A; Mali, G; Soloviev, SO; Orlyk, SM
    Successive Vapor-Phase Guerbet Condensation of Ethanol and 1-Butanol to 2-Ethyl-1-hexanol over Hydroxyapatite Catalysts in a Flow Reactor
    ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 9 (51) :  (12 pages), 2021.
    doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c06094 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000732032000001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  6. Khalakhan, I; Vorokhta, M; Xie, X; Piliai, L; Matolínová, I
    On the interpretation of X-ray photoelectron spectra of Pt-Cu bimetallic alloys
    J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 246 : Art. No. 147027 (5 pages), 2021.
    doi:10.1016/j.elspec.2020.147027 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000603476800006 BibTeX & \bibitem
  7. Larina, OV; Kyriienko, PI; Shcherban, ND; Yaremov, PS; Balakin, DY; Khalakhan, I; Veltruská, K; Soloviev, SO; Orlyk, SM
    Carbon-Supported Mg–Al Oxide Hybrid Catalysts for Aqueous Ethanol Conversion into 1-Butanol in a Flow Reactor
    Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 60 (32) :  (13 pages), 2021.
    doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.1c02153 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000687171300009 BibTeX & \bibitem

Year 2020

  1. Hrbek, T; Kúš, P; Yakovlev, Y; Nováková, J; Lobko, Y; Khalakhan, I; Matolín, V; Matolínová, I
    Sputter-etching treatment of proton-exchange membranes: Completely dry thin-film approach to low-loading catalyst-coated membranes for water electrolysis
    Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 45 (41) :  (11 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.05.245 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000558598300006 BibTeX & \bibitem
  2. Pleskunov, P; Nikitin, D; Tafiichuk, R; Khalakhan, I; Kolská, Z; Choukourov, A
    Nanophase‐separated poly(acrylic acid)/poly(ethylene oxide) plasma polymers for the spatially localized attachment of biomolecules
    Plasma Process. Polym. 17 (5) : Art. No. 1900220 (12 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1002/ppap.201900220 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000503111700001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  3. Khalakhan, I; Vega, L; Vorokhta, M; Skála, T; Viñes, F; Yakovlev, YV; Neyman, KM; Matolínová, I
    Irreversible structural dynamics on the surface of bimetallic PtNi alloy catalyst under alternating oxidizing and reducing environments
    Appl. Catal. B-Environmental 264 : Art. No. 118476 (9 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.118476 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000515195200012 BibTeX & \bibitem
  4. Bogar, M; Khalakhan, I; Gambitta, A; Yakovlev, Y; Amenitsch, H
    In situ electrochemical grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering: From the design of an electrochemical cell to an exemplary study of fuel cell catalyst degradation
    J. Power Sources 477 : Art. No. 229030 (8 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.229030 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000582488600050 BibTeX & \bibitem
  5. Khalakhan, I; Supik, L; Vorokhta, M; Yakovlev, Y; Dopita, M; Sandbeck, DJS; Cherevko, S; Veltruská, K; Matolínová, I
    Compositionally tuned magnetron co-sputtered PtxNi100-x alloy as a cathode catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 511 : Art. No. 145486 (8 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.145486 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000517883800015 BibTeX & \bibitem
  6. Piliai, L; Tomeček, D; Hruška, M; Khalakhan, I; Nováková, J; Fitl, P; Yatskiv, R; Grym, J; Vorokhta, M; Matolínová, I; Vrňata, M
    New Insights towards High-Temperature Ethanol-Sensing Mechanism of ZnO-Based Chemiresistors
    Sensors 20 (19) : Art. No. 5602 (14 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.3390/s20195602 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000586721500001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  7. Brown, R; Vorokhta, M; Skála, T; Khalakhan, I; Lindahl, N; Eriksson, B; Lagergren, C; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V; Wickman, B
    Surface Composition of a Highly Active Pt3Y Alloy Catalyst for Application in Low Temperature Fuel Cells
    Fuel Cells 20 (4) :  (7 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1002/fuce.201900186 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000557553900001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  8. Khalakhan, I; Bogar, M; Vorokhta, M; Kúš, P; Yakovlev, Y; Dopita, M; Sandbeck, DJS; Cherevko, S; Matolínová, I; Amenitsch, H
    Evolution of the PtNi Bimetallic Alloy Fuel Cell Catalyst under Simulated Operational Conditions
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (15) :  (9 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1021/acsami.0c02083 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000526330900045 BibTeX & \bibitem
  9. Pleskunov, P; Nikitin, D; Tafiichuk, R; Shelemin, A; Hanuš, J; Kousal, J; Krtouš, Z; Khalakhan, I; Kúš, P; Nasu, T; Nagahama, T; Funaki, C; Sato, H; Gawek, M; Schoenhals, A; Choukourov, A
    Plasma Polymerization of Acrylic Acid for the Tunable Synthesis of Glassy and Carboxylated Nanoparticles
    J. Phys. Chem. B 124 (4) :  (11 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b08960 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000510531000007 BibTeX & \bibitem
  10. Brown, R; Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Dopita, M; Vonderach, T; Skála, T; Lindahl, N; Matolínová, I; Grönbeck, H; Neyman, KM; Matolín, V; Wickman, B
    Unraveling the Surface Chemistry and Structure in Highly Active Sputtered Pt3Y Catalyst Films for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12 (4) :  (9 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1021/acsami.9b17817 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000510532000027 BibTeX & \bibitem
  11. Nikitin, D; Lipatova, I; Naumova, I; Sirotkin, N; Pleskunov, P; Krakovský, I; Khalakhan, I; Choukourov, A; Titov, V; Agafonov, A
    Immobilization of Chitosan Onto Polypropylene Foil via Air/Solution Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Afterglow Treatment
    Plasma Chem. Plasma Process. 40 (1) :  (14 pages), 2020.
    doi:10.1007/s11090-019-10029-2 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000511964200011 BibTeX & \bibitem

Year 2019

  1. Kúš, P; Ostroverkh, A; Khalakhan, I; Fiala, R; Kosto, Y; Šmíd, B; Lobko, Y; Yakovlev, Y; Nováková, J; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V
    Magnetron sputtered thin-film vertically segmented Pt-Ir catalyst supported on TiC for anode side of proton exchange membrane unitized regenerative fuel cells
    Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 44 (31) :  (12 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.04.216 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000472991100006 BibTeX & \bibitem
  2. Vaidulych, M; Shelemin, A; Hanuš, J; Khalakhan, I; Krakovsky, I; Kočová, P; Mašková, H; Kratochvíl, J; Pleskunov, P; Štěrba, J; Kylián, O; Choukourov, A; Biederman, H
    Superwettable antibacterial textiles for versatile oil/water separation
    Plasma Process. Polym. 16 (5) : Art. No. 1900003 (13 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1002/ppap.201900003 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000471298100007 BibTeX & \bibitem
  3. Ostroverkh, A; Johánek, V; Dubau, M; Kúš, P; Khalakhan, I; Šmíd, B; Fiala, R; Václavů, M; Ostroverkh, Y; Matolín, V
    Optimization of ionomer-free ultra-low loading Pt catalyst for anode/cathode of PEMFC via magnetron sputtering
    Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 44 (35) :  (13 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2018.12.206 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000477685500030 BibTeX & \bibitem
  4. Chundak, M; Khalakhan, I; Kúš, P; Duchoň, T; Potin, V; Cacucci, A; Tsud, N; Matolín, V; Veltruská, K
    Tailoring of highly porous SnO2 and SnO2-Pd thin films
    Mater. Chem. Phys. 232 :  (8 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2018.11.022 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000490045800063 BibTeX & \bibitem
  5. Hozák, P; Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Jarkovská, K; Cibulková, J; Fitl, P; Vlček, J; Fara, J; Tomeček, D; Novotný, M; Vorokhta, M; Lančok, J; Matolínová, I; Vrňata, M
    New Insight into the Gas-Sensing Properties of CuOx Nanowires by Near-Ambient Pressure XPS
    J. Phys. Chem. C 123 (49) :  (11 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b09124 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000503114100024 BibTeX & \bibitem
  6. Larina, OV; Valihura, KV; Kyriienko, PI; Vlasenko, NV; Balakin, DY; Khalakhan, I; Čendak, T; Soloviev, SO; Orlyk, SM
    Successive vapour phase Guerbet condensation of ethanol and 1-butanol over Mg-Al oxide catalysts in a flow reactor
    Appl. Catal. A-General 588 : Art. No. 117265 (11 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2019.117265 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000496835900002 BibTeX & \bibitem
  7. Kretková, T; Hanuš, J; Kylián, O; Solař, P; Dopita, M; Cieslar, M; Khalakhan, I; Choukourov, A; Biederman, H
    In-flight modification of Ni nanoparticles by tubular magnetron sputtering
    J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 52 (20) : Art. No. 205302 (11 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1088/1361-6463/ab00d0 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000460966100002 BibTeX & \bibitem
  8. Vaidulych, M; Hanuš, J; Kousal, J; Kadlec, S; Marek, A; Khalakhan, I; Shelemin, A; Solař, P; Choukourov, A; Kylián, O; Biederman, H
    Effect of magnetic field on the formation of Cu nanoparticles during magnetron sputtering in the gas aggregation cluster source
    Plasma Process. Polym. 16 (11) : Art. No. 1900133 (10 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1002/ppap.201900133 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000481228900001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  9. Larina, OV; Kyriienko, PI; Balakin, DY; Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Nychiporuk, YM; Matolín, V; Soloviev, SO; Orlyk, SM
    Effect of ZnO on acid–base properties and catalytic performances of ZnO/ZrO2–SiO2 catalysts in 1,3-butadiene production from ethanol–water mixture
    Catal. Sci. Technol. 9 (15) :  (15 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1039/C9CY00991D (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000484168400009 BibTeX & \bibitem
  10. Kosto, Y; Zanut, A; Franchi, S; Yakovlev, Y; Khalakhan, I; Matolín, V; Prince, KC; Valenti, G; Paolucci, F; Tsud, N
    Electrochemical activity of the polycrystalline cerium oxide films for hydrogen peroxide detection
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 488 :  (9 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.05.205 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000472476200039 BibTeX & \bibitem
  11. Perekrestov, R; Spesyvyi, A; Maixner, J; Mašek, K; Leiko, O; Khalakhan, I; Maňák, J; Kšírová, P; Hubička, Z; Čada, M
    The comparative study of electrical, optical and catalytic properties of Co3O4 thin nanocrystalline films prepared by reactive high-power impulse and radio frequency magnetron sputtering
    Thin Solid Films 686 : Art. No. 137427 (9 pages), 2019.
    doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2019.137427 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000480474400018 BibTeX & \bibitem

Year 2018

  1. Kylián, O; Kuzminova, A; Vaydulych, M; Cieslar, M; Khalakhan, I; Hanuš, J; Choukourov, A; Slavínská, D; Biederman, H
    Core@shell Cu/hydrocarbon plasma polymer nanoparticles prepared by gas aggregation cluster source followed by in-flight plasma polymer coating
    Plasma Process. Polym. 15 (11) : Art. No. 1700109 (7 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1002/ppap.201700109 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000419969200010 BibTeX & \bibitem
  2. Tkachenko, I; Kononevich, Y; Kobzar, Y; Purikova, O; Yakovlev, Y; Khalakhan, I; Muzafarov, A; Shevchenko, V
    Low dielectric constant silica-containing cross-linked organic-inorganic materials based on fluorinated poly(arylene ether)s
    Polymer 157 :  (8 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1016/j.polymer.2018.10.035 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000449288700015 BibTeX & \bibitem
  3. Khalakhan, I; Choukourov, A; Vorokhta, M; Kúš, P; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V
    In situ electrochemical AFM monitoring of the potential-dependent deterioration of platinum catalyst during potentiodynamic cycling
    Ultramicroscopy 187 :  (7 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2018.01.015 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000428131200009 BibTeX & \bibitem
  4. Pleskunov, P; Nikitin, D; Tafiichuk, R; Shelemin, A; Hanus, J; Khalakhan, I; Choukourov, A
    Carboxyl-Functionalized Nanoparticles Produced by Pulsed Plasma Polymerization of Acrylic Acid
    J. Phys. Chem. B 122 (14) :  (8 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b01648 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000430641900049 BibTeX & \bibitem
  5. Choukourov, A; Shelemin, A; Pleskunov, P; Nikitin, D; Khalakhan, I; Hanuš, J;
    Nanoscale morphogenesis of nylon-sputtered plasma polymer particles
    J. Phys. D.-Appl. Phys. 51 (21) : Art. No. 215304 (8 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aabbbf (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000431144700004 BibTeX & \bibitem
  6. Kratochvíl, J; Štěrba, J; Lieskovská, J; Langhansová, H; Kuzminova, A; Khalakhan, I; Kylián, O; Straňák, V
    Antibacterial effect of Cu/C:F nanocomposites deposited on PEEK substrates
    Mater. Lett. 230 :  (4 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2018.07.082 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000441406500026 BibTeX & \bibitem
  7. Malik, S; Ruddock, FM; Dowling, AH; Byrne, K; Schmitt, W; Khalakhan, I; Nemoto, Y; Guo, H; Shrestha, LK; Ariga, K; Hill, JP
    Graphene composites with dental and biomedical applicability
    Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 9 :  (8 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.3762/bjnano.9.73 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000427530500002 BibTeX & \bibitem
  8. Burian, M; Rigodanza, F; Demitri, N; D̵ord̵ević, L; Marchesan, S; Steinhartova, T; Letofsky-Papst, I; Khalakhan, I; Mourad, E; Freunberger, SA; Amenitsch, H; Prato, M; Syrgiannis, Z
    Inter-Backbone Charge Transfer as Prerequisite for Long-Range Conductivity in Perylene Bisimide Hydrogels
    ACS Nano 12 (6) :  (7 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1021/acsnano.8b01689 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000436910200076 BibTeX & \bibitem
  9. Khalakhan, I; Waidhas, F; Brummel, O; Vorokhta, M; Kúš, P; Yakovlev, YV; Bertram, M; Dopita, M; Matolínová, I; Libuda, J; Matolín, V
    Nanoscale Morphological and Structural Transformations of PtCu Alloy Electrocatalysts during Potentiodynamic Cycling
    J. Phys. Chem. C 122 (38) :  (9 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b06840 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000446141900030 BibTeX & \bibitem
  10. Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Vondráček, M; Tomeček, D; Vorokhta, M; Marešová, E; Nováková, J; Vlček, J; Fitl, P; Novotný, M; Hozák, P; Lančok, J; Vrňata, M; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V
    Investigation of gas sensing mechanism of SnO2 based chemiresistor using near ambient pressure XPS
    Surf. Sci. 677 :  (7 pages), 2018.
    doi:10.1016/j.susc.2018.08.003 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000447478700038 BibTeX & \bibitem

Year 2017

  1. Khalakhan, I; Lavková, J; Matolínová, I; Vorokhta, M; Potin, V; Kúš, P; Václavů, M; Maraloiu, V-A; Kuncser, A-C; Matolín, V
    Electrochemically shape-controlled transformation of magnetron sputtered platinum films into platinum nanostructures enclosed by high-index facets
    Surf. Coat. Technol. 309 (15) :  (6 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.11.017 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000396184400002 BibTeX & \bibitem
  2. Brummel, O; Waidhas, F; Khalakhan, I; Vorokhta, M; Dubau, M; Kovács, G; Aleksandrov, HA; Neyman, KM; Matolín, V; Libuda, J
    Structural transformations and adsorption properties of PtNi nanoalloy thin film electrocatalysts prepared by magnetron co-sputtering
    Electrochim. Acta 251 (10) :  (15 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2017.08.062 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000413004200046 BibTeX & \bibitem
  3. Yakovlev, YV; Gagolkina, ZO; Lobko, EV; Khalakhan, I; Klepko, VV
    The effect of catalyst addition on the structure, electrical and mechanical properties of the cross-linked polyurethane/carbon nanotube composites
    Compos. Sci. Technol. 144 :  (7 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2017.03.034 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000401205900025 BibTeX & \bibitem
  4. Petr, M; Kylián, O; Kuzminova, A; Kratochvíl, J; Khalakhan, I; Hanuš, J; Biederman, H
    Noble metal nanostructures for double plasmon resonance with tunable properties
    Opt. Mater. 64 :  (6 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1016/j.optmat.2016.12.021 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000394635200045 BibTeX & \bibitem
  5. Hanuš, J; Vaidulych, M; Kylián, O; Choukourov, A; Kousal, J; Khalakhan, I; Cieslar, M; Solař, P; Biederman, H
    Fabrication of Ni@Ti core–shell nanoparticles by modified gas aggregation source
    J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 50 (47) : Art. No. 475307 (7 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aa8f25 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000414269800001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  6. Kuzminova, A; Kretková, T; Kylián, O; Hanuš, J; Khalakhan, I; Prukner, V; Doležalová, E; Šimek, M; Biederman, H
    Etching of polymers, proteins and bacterial spores by atmospheric pressure DBD plasma in air
    J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 50 (13) : Art. No. 135201 (11 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1088/1361-6463/aa5c21 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000395934300001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  7. Hanuš, J; Libenská, H; Khalakhan, I; Kuzminova, A; Kylián, O; Biederman, H
    Localized surface plasmon resonance tuning via nanostructured gradient Ag surfaces
    Mater. Lett. 192 :  (4 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2016.12.044 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000394064500031 BibTeX & \bibitem
  8. Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Matolínová, I; Nováková, J; Haviar, S; Lančok, J; Novotný, M; Yoshikawa, H; Matolín, V
    PLD prepared nanostructured Pt-CeO2 thin films containing ionic platinum
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 396 (28) :  (6 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.10.119 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000396223500034 BibTeX & \bibitem
  9. Karbovnyk, ID; Olenych, I; Kukhta, IN; Lugovskii, A; Sasnouski, G; Chutora, T; Luchechko, AP; Khalakhan, I; Kukhta, A
    Electric Field Oriented Nanostructured Organic Thin Films with Polarized Luminescence
    Nanoscale Res. Lett. 12 : Art. No. 166 (6 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1186/s11671-017-1936-9 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000396304300001 BibTeX & \bibitem
  10. Burian, M; Rigodanza, F; Amenitsch, H; Almásy, L; Khalakhan, I; Syrgiannis, Z; Prato, M
    Structural and optical properties of a perylene bisimide in aqueous media
    Chem. Phys. Lett. 683 (1) :  (5 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2017.03.056 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000405802200074 BibTeX & \bibitem
  11. Ostroverkh, A; Dubau, M; Johanek, V; Kus, P; Khalkhan, I; Vaclavu, M; Fiala, R; Ostroverkh, Y; Matolin, V
    Optimization of Pt Catalyst for Anode/Cathode of PEMFC via Magnetron Sputtering
    ECS Trans. 80 (8) :  (7 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1149/08008.0839ecst (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000425016500085 BibTeX & \bibitem
  12. Khalakhan, I; Vorokhta, M; Kúš, P; Dopita, M; Václavů, M; Fiala, R; Tsud, N; Skála, T; Matolín, V
    In situ probing of magnetron sputtered Pt-Ni alloy fuel cell catalysts during accelerated durability test using EC-AFM
    Electrochim. Acta 245 (10) :  (10 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2017.05.202 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000406762700084 BibTeX & \bibitem
  13. Choukourov, A; Kylián, O; Petr, M; Vaidulych, M; Nikitin, D; Hanuš, J; Artemenko, A; Shelemin, A; Gordeev, I; Kolská, Z; Solař, P; Khalakhan, I; Ryabov, A; Májek, J; Slavínská, D; Biederman, H
    RMS roughness-independent tuning of surface wettability by tailoring silver nanoparticles with a fluorocarbon plasma polymer
    Nanoscale 9 (7) :  (10 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1039/C6NR08428A (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000395692400026 BibTeX & \bibitem
  14. Vaidulych, M; Hanuš, J; Steinhartová, T; Kylián, O; Choukourov, A; Beranová, J; Khalakhan, I; Biederman, H
    Deposition of Ag/a-C:H nanocomposite films with Ag surface enrichment
    Plasma Process. Polym. 14 (11) : Art. No. 1600256 (8 pages), 2017.
    doi:10.1002/ppap.201600256 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000415339700003 BibTeX & \bibitem

Year 2016

  1. Khalakhan, I; Vorokhta, M; Václavů, M; Šmíd, B; Lavková, J; Matolínová, I; Fiala, R; Tsud, N; Skála, T; Matolín, V
    In-situ electrochemical atomic force microscopy study of aging of magnetron sputtered Pt-Co nanoalloy thin films during accelerated degradation test
    Electrochim. Acta 211 (1) :  (7 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2016.06.035 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000380904100007 BibTeX & \bibitem
  2. Rednyk, A; Johanek, V; Khalakhan, I; Dubau, M; Vorokhta, M; Matolin, V
    Methanol oxidation on sputter-coated platinum oxide catalysts
    Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 41 (1) :  (11 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.09.147 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000368955300027 BibTeX & \bibitem
  3. Brummel, O; Waidhas, F; Faisal, F; Fiala, R; Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Dubau, M; Figueroba, A; Kovács, G; Aleksandrov, HA; Vayssilov, GN; Kozlov, SM; Neyman, KM; Matolín, V; Libuda, J
    Stabilization of Small Platinum Nanoparticles on Pt–CeO2 Thin Film Electrocatalysts During Methanol Oxidation
    J. Phys. Chem. C 120 (35) :  (14 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b05962 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000383004700026 BibTeX & \bibitem
  4. Perekrestov, R; Kudrna, P; Tichy, M; Khalakhan, I; Danis, S; Prodan, G; Vladoiu, R
    Crystalline structure and morphology of TiO2 thin films deposited by means of hollow cathode plasma jet with supporting anode
    Surf. Coat. Technol. 291 (15) :  (7 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.02.026 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000389687600015 BibTeX & \bibitem
  5. Vorokhta, M; Khalakhan, I; Vaclavu, M; Kovacs, G; Kozlov, SM; Kus, P; Skala, T; Tsud, N; Lavkova, J; Potin, V; Matolinova, I; Neyman, KM; Matolin, V
    Surface composition of magnetron sputtered Pt-Co thin film catalyst for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
    Appl. Surf. Sci. 365 :  (7 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.01.004 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000369960300032 BibTeX & \bibitem
  6. Bercha, S; Mali, G; Khalakhan, I; Skála, T; Prince, KC; Matolín, V; Tsud, N
    Histidine adsorption on nanostructured cerium oxide
    J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 212 :  (6 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1016/j.elspec.2016.07.005 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000387191800005 BibTeX & \bibitem
  7. Nikitin, D; Choukourov, A; Titov, V; Kuzmicheva, L; Lipatova, I; Mezina, E; Aleksandriiskii, V; Shelemin, A; Khalakhan, I; Slavinska, D; Biederman, H
    In situ coupling of chitosan onto polypropylene foils by an Atmospheric Pressure Air Glow Discharge with a liquid cathode
    Carbohydr. Polym. 154 :  (10 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.08.023 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000382318800005 BibTeX & \bibitem
  8. Khalakhan, I; Fiala, R; Lavková, J; Kúš, P; Ostroverkh, A; Václavů, M; Vorokhta, M; Matolínová, I; Matolín, V
    Candle Soot as Efficient Support for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Catalyst
    Fuel Cells 16 (5) :  (4 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1002/fuce.201600016 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000386149300017 BibTeX & \bibitem
  9. Petr, M; Kylián, O; Hanuš, J; Kuzminova, A; Vaidulych, M; Khalakhan, I; Choukourov, A; Slavínská D; Biederman, H
    Surfaces With Roughness Gradient and Invariant Surface Chemistry Produced by Means of Gas Aggregation Source and Magnetron Sputtering
    Plasma Process. Polym. 135 (6) :  (9 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1002/ppap.201500202 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000378734300009 BibTeX & \bibitem
  10. Kúš, P; Ostroverkh, A; Ševčíková, K; Khalakhan, I; Fiala, R; Skála, T; Tsud, N; Matolin, V
    Magnetron sputtered Ir thin film on TiC-based support sublayer as low-loading anode catalyst for proton exchange membrane water electrolysis
    Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 41 (34) :  (9 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.06.248 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000382793000002 BibTeX & \bibitem
  11. Shelemin, A; Nikitin, D; Choukourov, A; Kylián, O; Kousal, J; Khalakhan, I; Melnichuk, I; Slavínská, D; Biederman, H
    Preparation of biomimetic nano-structured films with multi-scale roughness
    J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 49 (25) : Art. No. 254001 (10 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1088/0022-3727/49/25/254001 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000378089600004 BibTeX & \bibitem
  12. Fiala, R; Figueroba, A; Bruix, A; Vaclavu, M; Rednyk, A; Khalakhan, I; Vorokhta, M; Lavkova, J; Illas, F; Potin, V; Matolinova, I; Neyman, KM; Matolin, V
    High efficiency of Pt2+- CeO2 novel thin film catalyst as anode for proton exchange membrane fuel cells
    Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 197 (15) :  (9 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2016.02.036 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000381536500027 BibTeX & \bibitem
  13. Perekrestov, R; Kudrna, P; Tichý, M; Khalakhan, I; Myshkin, VF
    TiO2 nanoparticle detection by means of laser beam scattering in a hollow cathode plasma jet
    J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 49 (26) : Art. No. 265201 (11 pages), 2016.
    doi:10.1088/0022-3727/49/26/265201 (abstract link)  PDF ISI ID:000380762600016 BibTeX & \bibitem

Scientific activities

Scientific work in the field of surface, interface physics and electrochemistry focused on investigation of physico-chemical properties of metal, metal-oxide and bimetallic nanostructured systems as catalysts for proton exchange membrane fuel cells.


Scientific expertise

Atomic force microscopy (AFM), electrochemical atomic force microscopy (EC-AFM), cyclic voltammetry (CV), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, SRPES), magnetron sputtering technique.