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Advanced Capabilities for Surface Analysis and Operando Studies

The EnviroESCA system at Charles University's Department of Surface and Plasma Science offers state-of-the-art near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (NAP-XPS) capabilities. Designed for both dry and liquid environments, this advanced instrument provides detailed insights into the chemical and electronic states of materials under real operating conditions.

EnviroESCA is accessible through the CERIC-ERIC organization, both in their regular semester calls for proposals and for shorter Fast Track commissioning studies.

Features and Applications of EnviroESCA

  • Near-Ambient Pressure XPS: Perform analyses at pressures up to 50 mbar, enabling studies of complex samples, such as catalysts, thin films, and biological materials, in their natural or working states.
  • Operando Measurements: Dedicated cells allow operando studies in electrocatalysis and thermocatalysis (detailed descriptions below).
  • Diverse Material Compatibility: Measures a wide range of materials, including metals, semiconductors, and polymers. Charge effects are mitigated using gaseous atmospheres for compensation.
  • Monochromated Al Kα X-ray Source: Ensures high-quality spectra.
  • Laser-Based Spot Selection: Enables precise targeting of the 300 µm analysis spot for homogeneity assessments or measurements of small/inhomogeneous samples.
  • Depth Profiling via Ar Sputtering: Facilitates analysis of material composition at various depths.
  • Enhanced Surface Sensitivity: Higher pressure measurements increase surface sensitivity, revealing additional surface characteristics for the price of longer measurements.

Operando Cells for Advanced Studies

Detailed technical specification



Tomáš Hrbek

Doctoral Student
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Miquel Gamón Rodríguez

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Lectures, interesting facts and information in the field of nanomaterials and hydrogen technology.