Electron Spectrometer
- Hemispherical Electron Analyzer with 150 mm mean radius
- Differentially pumped lens system
- One-dimensional delayline detector with up to 400 channels
X-ray Source
- Al Kα micro-focused monochromator
- Rowland circle diameter of 600 mm
- Spot sizes of 200 μm - 1 mm, optimized to analysis area
Charge Neutralization System
- Intrinsic charge compensation by photoionization
- Effectiveness can be tuned by introducing inert gas through the gas dosing system
Pumping System
- Pressure range from 10-7 mbar to 50 mbar in standard configuration
- Turbomolecular pumps
- Oil-free backing pumps
- Chemical resistive pumping system
Gas Dosing System
- Fully automated and software controlled
- Two gas dosers at analysis position
- Mass flow controllers
- 3 digital microscopes for sample navigation and documentation
Sample Environment RT-NAP
- High precision 3-axis sample stage
- Sample sizes of up to 120 mm in diameter and 40 mm in height, 50 mm diameter addressable
- Compatible to EnviroESCA standard sample holders
- Gas dosing system for process or purge gases
- Downstream RF plasma cleaner
- Digital microscope for sample observation
- Spare ports 1 x DN40CF, 2 x DN16CF
Ion Source for Sputter Depth Profiling in UHV
- SPECS ion source
- 5 keV extractor type source producing scannable and focussed ion beam
- Differential pumping system
Sample Environment RT-NAP
- Allows for variable temperature applications together with the Button Heated Sample Holder (BHSH) or the Peltier Cooled Sample Holder (PCSH)
- PID controller for temperature control and stabilization
- Water cooling for sample receiving stage
- Modification of sample receiving stage for accepting BHSH and PCSH
Heated Sample Holder (BHSH)
- High temperature substrate heater up to 600 °C in 10 mbar N2
- Al2O3 button heater, other materials on request
- Side and rear heat shield
- Sample sizes up to 10 mm in diameter
Automation and Software
- Fully automated vacuum and gas dosing system
- Advanced software package